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Engedi Wellness is committed to creating a nurturing environment where you can confidently prepare for conception, ensuring a strong foundation for a healthy pregnancy and the well-being of both you and your future child. Join us on this transformative journey towards pre-conception wellness, and empower yourself for the beautiful chapter of parenthood ahead.

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“A few months into cellular detox led by Kelsey and I feel more informed and empowered in my health goals. I’m excited to have a clear path towards healing my Hashimoto’s and preparing my body for conception in the future using a holistic personalized approach.”
- Kate R.
"I was able to go on a road trip the first day of my period when I usually can’t be that far from a heat pad! Thank you!"
- Kiley
A waterfall in a green forest.

the solution awaits, and it's yours to embrace.

We understand the frustration of seeking answers from multiple specialists without relief. Whether it's infertility, behavioral issues, or unexplained health struggles, your journey to breakthrough starts here.

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